Welcome to the world of speeeed!
The Art of Racing is a racing game with a knowledge popularizing focus. The player assumes the role of a driver, an up-and-coming driver who is eager to improve his driving skills. He will learn about racing safety devices in the process, be motivated by the game, and learn the development of racing.
Today, racing cars are safer and more maneuverable than ever before. However, many people still perceive the sport as risky. In response, I developed this game to demonstrate that racinge is actually a safe sport, and that numerous drivers have dedicated their lives to promoting safety measures in the sport.
Also, the game honours the memory of Henry Surtees, a driver, and gives thanks for the presence of the Halo, which protected the precious lives of drivers such as Zhou Guanyu.
The game takes advantage of the ease of operation, interactivity, low cost, and ability to highly recreate situations to allow players to make their own judgments and choices of the most suitable safety components that help them to race better.
The primary objective of this game is to drive skillfully and avoid collisions. The ultimate aim is to increase one's score, earn safety credits, and attain the prestigious title of "Racing Artist."
Endless Mode
Pure-driving Mode
I myself have always been a fan of low-poly style. Using a low-poly style allows independent game developers to use low-mesh polygon while presenting amazing visual effects. So I preferred to apply a low-poly style onto this game.
Starting from the main interface, players are able to easily understand the corresponding content of each board through the help button, the specific content of each board is as follows.
In the Temple of Speed section, players can participate in a real race through Endless Mode and Pure-driving Mode.
The Institute of Mechanics section of the game is where players can learn about the various safety components used in Formula One cars, including their design, function, and how they are tested.
The About History section provides players with a historical overview of the evolution of safety measures in Formula One.
The About Safety Component section focuses on how safety components work and how they can help players achieve better results in the Endless and Pure-driving modes of the game.
In the Mechanic Training section, players will face a challenge to test their knowledge of Formula One safety components.
The test was performed as follows:
I found several issues to fix:
After completing the first version of the game, I ran a player test and got some feedback from players: